When considering whole of life insurance, you must make sure that you can afford the premiums, not only during your working life but also when you retire. If you can’t keep up with your premium payments, the cover will be cancelled with no benefit payable.
The good news is that some whole of life policies only require you to pay premiums up to a certain age, typically to age 90, however this does vary between different insurers, individual policies and levels of cover.
How much Do I pay for Whole of Life insurance?
Like other types of life insurance, the price of your premiums can be affected by various factors:
- The cover amount
- The amount you would like your beneficiaries to receive will be a major factor in the amount you pay per month
- Your Age
- The younger you are when you start the policy the cheaper the monthly premiums will be. This is typical among most insurance policies
- Health conditions
- Any existing health conditions will also affect your monthly premiums
- Medical history
- As well as your own medical history many insures will also take into account your family medical history
- A range of other lifestyle factors
Benefits of Whole of Life Insurance
One of the main benefits of whole-of-life insurance is that it can help your family deal with any bills associated with inheritance tax. Currently, if an estate is valued at more than £325,000, the portion of your estate above this will be liable for tax at the current 40% inheritance tax rate.
As a result, many families are forced to take out loans just to cover this bill, which may be particularly stressful. A whole of life insurance policy could help avoid this issue. By placing your whole of life policy into trust you can keep it separate from the rest of your estate and there is no inheritance tax liable. This will be paid out directly by the insurer to your beneficiaries who can use the lump sum to cover costs.
Whole of life cover may also appeal if you are determined to leave some form of inheritance to your loved ones, or if you want to help with your funeral costs.
If you would like an adviser to review your existing cover and benefits or would like to discuss Whole of life Insurance in more detail, please get in contact.
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We know life insurance can be confusing.
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Call LizziesLife Today 0845 862 3480
We know life insurance can be confusing.
Does whole of life insurance expire?
Can you have more than one life insurance policy?
What is the difference between term and whole life insurance?
Term life insurance offers a lump sum payout for a limited period of time, which is lost if the policy owner outlives the term.
What is a beneficiary?
Need Help?
Types of life insurance we provide.
Life Insurance
Covers your family or chosen dependents with a lump sum payout when you die.
Critical Illness
Pays out a lump sum if you become critically ill with one of the serious illnesses the policy covers.
Income Protection Insurance
Pays you a regular income if you can’t work because of sickness or disability.
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